Chenqiang Gao (高陈强)
About Me
Greetings! My name is Chenqiang Gao (高陈强). I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science from China University of Geosciences (CUG) , Wuhan, China, in 2004 and Ph.D. degree, supervised by Jinwen Tian(田金文), from Institute of Image Recognition & Artificial Intelligence (图像所), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) , Wuhan, China, in 2009. In August 2009, I returned to my hometown and joined the School of Communications and Information Engineering at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT) , Chongqing, China. In 2010, I spent an impressive year teaching middle school students in a village town for the Aid Education Program sponsored by the government. In September 2012, I joined the Informedia Group in School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) , working on Multimedia Event Detection (MED) and Surveillance Event Detection (SED) with Prof. Alexander G. Hauptmann (Early on, I was a visiting scholar, and later became a postdoctoral fellow at CMU). I spent a wonderful period of one and a half year at CMU. From May 2014 to August 2023, I was a full professor at CQUPT, leading both the Intelligent Multimedia research Center, and the Chongqing Key Laboratory of Signal and Information Processing. I am fortunate to meet and supervise many outstanding students at CQUPT. In September 2023, I joined the School of Intelligent Systems Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University (Shenzhen Campus) as a full professor. I still maintain close collaboration with the Intelligent Multimedia research Center at CQUPT, including co-supervising master and PhD students.
Here is my official homepage at Sun Yat-sen University, and
here is my official homepage at CQUPT.
You can find my detailed chinese information(详细中文信息).
- [2025.01.15] My two Phd students at CQUPT(重邮)have found job offers(全是带编制的offer:2海南大学(211,高聘副高), 1重庆交通大学等)
- [2024.12.20] My six master students at CQUPT(重邮)have found job offers: 2字节跳动+1华为+1小米+1大疆+1科大讯飞
- [2024.09.26] One paper was accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
- [2024.09.25] I was selected for the Stanford/Elsevier's World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking list 2024.
- [2024.07.02] Two papers were accepted by ECCV 2024.
- [2024.06.20] Three papers were accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
- [2024.05.29] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- [2023.12.10] My teaching design plan won the third prize in the National College Artificial Intelligence Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition.
- [2023.12.01] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
- [2023.10.19] I was selected for the Stanford/Elsevier's World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking list 2023.
- [2023.10.20] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- [2023.03.08] One paper was accepted by CVPR (CCF-A).
- [2022.10.21] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- [2022.03.10] One paper was accepted by CVPR (CCF-A).
- [2021.10.21] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
- [2021.09.30] All six master students of Grade three have found job offers, including Huwei (华为), ByteDance (字节跳动), Jingdong (京东), Meituan (美团), Alibaba (阿里巴巴), Baidu (百度)etc.
- [2021.09.09] I got one key research project from Chongqing Municipal Education Commission.
- [2021.08.18] I got the third NSFC project.
- [2021.07.04] One paper was accepted by ACM MM (CCF-A, Oral).
- [2021.06.25] My student Jiang Liu appeared in the Promo Movie of CQUPT.
- [2021.03.01] One paper was accepted by CVPR (CCF-A).
- [2021.01.05] My student Lan wang's master thesis "Action Recognition Based on Infrared and Visible Spectrum" was awarded "Chongqing City Excellent thesis".
- [2020.12.28] One paper was accepted by Neural Computing and Applications.
- [2020.12.21] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
- [2020.12.16] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
- [2020.12.09] Our system for detecting student's state has been used online at CQUPT.
- [2020.11.01] Four master students have found offers, including Huwei (华为), ByteDance (字节跳动), Shopee, etc, two students continue to pursue Ph.D. degree (one is in our group, the other one Tianjing University).
Research Interests
- 2D/3D Object Detection
- Video Understanding
- Image/Video Generation
- Multimodal Data Analysis
- Medical Image Analysis
- "Video Technology" for undergraduate students
- "Digital Image Processing" for undergraduate students
- "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" for graduate students